
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 4: Art, Science, and Technology

The Science and Technology session allowed educators a chance to get some hands on experience with the Periodic Table of Elements, as they each crafted a fabric square to represent one element.  

Educators chose an element and read some background information, which they synthesized to visually represent in their square.

We the presented our work to the group, explaining our creative choices and sharing our scientific thinking.  

 The result was a very colorful “Periodic Quilt of the Elements,” in which each participant gained in depth knowledge of their element in order to represent it artistically.

We discussed the ways in which Science and the Arts are linked, specifically through the act of careful observation, and shared some excellent resources!

Surf Report Very user-friendly with links to many arts integration sites.
A+ Art & Science Center  Lesson plans you can download covering a mixture of art and science.
Digital Art Symbaloo  A page packed with digital art sites for students and teachers.
Arts & Science Council  Works to build appreciation for the arts, science, history and heritage.
The Noun Project Collects, organizes, and adds highly recognizable symbols in order to promote and share visual language.  You can download for free.
Periodic Table Printmaking  A collection of work by 97 print-makers depicting each of the elements.
Life cycle of the Butterfly  A lesson plan guiding kids though depicting a Monarch Butterfly's life cycle using dance.
Beach Wheelchairs  A collaborative project inspiring kids to design wheelchairs that could function on the beach.
Tie Die  Illustrate solubility using Sharpies and rubbing alcohol
Scale of the Universe Website made by two adolescent brothers showing the entire scope of the universe in perspective.
Toys from Trash A variety of art projects using recycled materials by Arvind Gupta.
Andy Goldsworthy Art from natural materials.
Flight Science Resource showing the ways art could be used in understanding principals of flight.
Clouds and Watercolors Teaching cloud science by showing kids a variety of painting techniques.

Science Verse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith  Wonderful science poetry!
You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination by Katharine Harmon

Rolling in the Deep Acapella Cover Showing the ways we can create sounds and harmony, as well as the ways musical elements work together.

Anatomy art with quilled paper.  You could give each kid a different part of the body or brain and then have them put all their pieces together to make a complete picture.

Field trips to places and then making art about it using careful observation.

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